RustDesk — an OpenSource alternative to TeamViewer or AnyDesk

Adam Jurkiewicz Pythonista
3 min readApr 10, 2024
Screen from

In this short article I want to show easy way to have good solution to work with remote computers as a system support for a client.

Rust Desk is another remote desktop software, written in Rust. Works out of the box, no configuration required. You have full control of your data, with no concerns about security.

You have to download and install client, it is avaiable to all major platforms, go to

In my case, I will get Linux version, because I use only Linux (as I mentioned before) — you can read one of my previous story

So, I download rustdesk-1.2.3–2-x86_64.deb file and install it.

After that, I can run the software.

That is all — I have software, I can connect to other clients. My ID and One Time Password is on the left panel — I can change it on my own if I prefere to.

Below two screens from target machine:

Target Kali Desktop
Accepting incoming connection from Support.

I hope, this article will be useful for you. If yes, clap me a hand on this:



Linux (Debian/Ubuntu) admin 😆, Python (OOP, fastAPI) programmer 🖥️ | Teacher, trainer 📚 ⚓